Peer on Peer Abuse Case Study:
A Comparison of Safeguarding and
Contextual Safeguarding Responses
How can contextual safeguarding complement and support more traditional approaches to safeguarding?
What is peer on peer abuse?
Peer on peer abuse happens when a young person is bullied, exploited, or harmed by an individual or group of peers at a similar age, under the age of 18. The abuse could include:
- Physical and sexual abuse
- Sexual exploitation or harassment
- Emotional abuse
- Serious youth crime and violence
- Cyberbullying or bullying
- Coercive control, also known as teenage relationship abuse
It can be motivated by perceived differences such as race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other protected characteristics (Equality Act, 2010). It can have a significant effect on the victim, including traumatic isolation from their peers, intimidation, or violence.
Infographic put together by Jason Tait, Director of Pastoral Care and Designated Safeguarding Lead at TASIS The American School in England and Eve O’Connell, co-founders of The Student Voice