The Student Voice Contextual Safeguarding tool
wins ‘Health & Wellbeing’ category of the
Teach Secondary Awards 2022
Working with schools to prevent future harm.
It is an exciting week for The Student Voice team! We are ecstatic to announce that after being shortlisted and assessed by an expert panel of judges for the Teach Secondary Awards 2022, we have won the ‘Health & Wellbeing’ Category!
The Teach Secondary Awards 2022 is an annual showcase of the best resources secondary schools can use to improve student outcomes, staff development, and whole school practice. The awards spanned 8 categories, with entries judged according to the following criteria:
- Does the resource meet a genuine need?
- What impact is it likely to have?
- How easy is the resource to implement and use?
- Can the resource be adapted for use in different settings?
- Does it represent good value for money?
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Complimenting adult reporting systems, The Student Voice contextual safeguarding tool, provides safe spaces for over 25,000 students across independent day and boarding schools, international schools, and multi-academy trusts, to safely share their concerns in any context: at school, in the local community, and at home.
Since 2018, we have been on a mission to build brave spaces that empower young voices, whilst providing safeguarding teams with an essential resource to proactively monitor their school’s hotspots, in real-time.
“This is a fantastic resource – child-friendly and simple to use. It covers in-school, surrounding areas and home, creates a proactive approach to reporting, and understands the barriers children face in trusting the reporting system.”
Ann Marie Christian, Judge of the Health and Wellbeing category.
“As a team, we want to thank our schools who share our passion for contextual safeguarding and in seeking to understand the life experiences of young people.
We are very proud of what we have achieved working with schools, colleges and academies, assisting them in producing better outcomes for young people, and with added financial pressures on the education sector, creative approaches to community safeguarding are necessary to effectively prevent future harm happening to our young people. The world has changed dramatically in the last few years, and the issues facing young people are changing and evolving with it, which is why we are proud to continually develop our platform to provide opportunities for young people to share their experiences in their online world, at school, their communities, and at home.”
Jason Tait, Director of Pastoral Care and DSL at all-through and co-educational boarding school in the UK and co-founder of The Student Voice.
You can see the full list of winners for the Awards on the Teach Secondary Awards and Teachwire websites.